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Inside the Malta Union of Teachers 1919-2009 (George Cassar, 2009)
The Saga of the Church Schools in Malta (1970-1986) (Dominic V. Scerri OP, 2000)
Opening Doors to School Improvement (Christopher Bezzina, 1999)
The Roles of Education Officers and Subject Coordinators as Agents of Change and Development (ed. Paul A. Attard, 1998)
Heads of School at Work (ed. Joseph Muscat, 1997)
Towards the New Millennium: The Changing Role of the Head (ed. Joseph Muscat, 1997)
Special Education – Towards a Better Future (ed. Philip Stilon, 1997)
The Educator n. 9 (ed. George Cassar, 2024)
The Educator n. 8 (ed. George Cassar, 2023)
The Educator n. 7 (ed. George Cassar, 2022)
The Educator n. 6 (ed. George Cassar, 2020)
The Educator n. 5 (ed. George Cassar, 2019)
The Educator n. 4 (ed. George Cassar, 2017)
The Educator n. 3 (ed. George Cassar, 2016)
The Educator n. 2 (ed. George Cassar, 2014)
The Educator n. 1 (ed. George Cassar, 2013)
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