Sagħtar 386 – Summer 2024

Here is the summer 2024 edition of Sagħtar!
Summer is around the corner, and so we are publishing the eighth and last edition of this scholastic year! You can find the jokes and ħaġa moħġaġa you like so much, poems, beautiful stories, interesting information, curiosities, the “Stilel” page about Maxine Pace (winner of Mużika Mużika), and not less than 10 competitions with exciting prizes!
This month, also, the Maxti u l-Forom project draws to a close. We hope you enjoyed the project and that it helped you learn some mathematical principles. And don’t forget to take part in this month’s competition.
You can also find the fourth ARTek model: “Iż-Żifna taż-Żeotropju”. Watch the video on the Sagħtar app (from Google Play or App Store) or from the YouTube channel of Sagħtar, mount it, decorate it and send us a photo or video. We will announce the winner this summer, from among those taking part. Good luck!
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