Virtual meeting with Trevor Zahra at San Andrea School

On 1 December 2020, Grade 8 students at San Andrea School were given the opportunity to virtually meet renowned Maltese author and poet Trevor Zahra, who has published over 130 books for children and adults. It was an honour, in the present circumstances, to have the opportunity to meet an author who has won prizes for his work over 18 times in various categories. During these meetings Trevor Zahra shared his experiences and recommended interesting books written by himself for children to read. Some of the books he showed from his personal library were also available in the class, as students brought the said books with them from home.

Our students then had the opportunity to ask Trevor Zahra some questions. He also took the time to share experiences and advice about the importance of reading everyday and also told them to choose books they enjoy, as reading should be nothing less than a pleasurable experience.

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