Birkirkara Primary School celebrates the #antibullying week 2020

Between the 16th and 20th November 2020, St Theresa College Birkirkara Primary School celebrated the #antibullying week 2020. This event formed part of the annual international #antibullying week 2020 campaign initiated by the Anti-Bullying Alliance.

Pupils were engaged in discussions and digital projects which were later published on the school’s j2webby.

Among the common themes which emerged from pupils themselves were:

1. Bullying is never acceptable.

2. You can stand up to the bully by seeking help from an adult (LSEs, teachers, Asst. Heads, the Head of School, guidance, counsellor, parents).

3. Bystanders have the responsibility to report bullying cases, even if they are not directly involved. Victims of bullying shouldn’t feel alone.

We also discussed different forms of bullying, including cyberbullying, discrimination against those who feel or look different from others and discrimination against those who had COVID-19.

Click to learn more about this initiative: #antibullying week 2020 | St Theresa College Birkirkara Primary (

Campaign clip:

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