FS06-25 Diversity: challenges and opportunities in the educational context

Original price was: €50.00.Current price is: €40.00.

FS06-25 Diversity: challenges and opportunities in the educational context

Delivered by Prof. Joanne Cassar, Ms Colette Farrugia Bennett

Course description:
This is a course that focuses on the reality of diversity and its impact on the education sector. As Maltese society becomes more multicultural and new social realities evolve or become visible in the Maltese context, the need to understand the impact all of this has on the education of students is essential. Drawing on the experiences of educators themselves, and based on the idea of workshop conversations, the course aims to appraise and identify positive good practice and also provide training to educators facing multiple challenges and opportunities in diverse classroom settings.

Course Delivery:
Face-to-face sessions held at
MUT, 759, Triq il-Kbira San Ġużepp, Ħamrun HMR1016

Dates and time:
Tuesdays from 16.30 till 18.00
29th Apr, 6th May, 13th May, 20th May, 3rd June

Additional details:
Course delivery in English and Maltese as applicable.
A Certificate of Participation will be provided
Intended for all educators and the general public
Booking is on a first come first served basis
A minimum number of participants has to be met

Email: korsijiet@saghtar.org.mt

This product can only be purchased by members.
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